Pay by Weight
Less plastic, more houmous. That can only be a good thing, right? It's houmous with zero waste!
Oh, and you get a discount on your houmous.
At Smorl's, we're always looking at ways to reduce our environmental footprint on the planet. Our take-away salad boxes, coffee cups & lids, take-away bags and take-away cutlery are all bio-degradeable and/or compostable and/or plant-based. Unfortunately, we currently can find no Food Hygiene Standard alternative to our tamper-proof plastic houmous pots, but one move in the right direction is to enable you to pay by weight, supplying your own container for houmous.
Simply bring us anything you can fit some houmous into... old Smorl's pots, plastic containers, jam jars, etc - just make sure it is absolutely clean (preferably dish-washered). We'll then dispense your favourite Original or Extra Garlic flavour of Smorl's Houmous into it, and you're off on your merry way.
Please note that this service is only available from the Smorl's Café at Brighton Open Market.
How it works
Bring a clean container (and lid!) to the Smorl's Café in Brighton Open Market.
We'll weigh your container and then fill it with your Smorl's of choice. (Original or Extra Garlic Houmous currently available)
You pay for the houmous by weight, with a discount on our regular price.
Enjoy a plastic-free, waste-free Smorl's experience.
Come back time and time again for refills!
Bring your own tub and pay-by-weight
Helping Mel from The Green Centre in Brighton reduce her plastic usage.
It's zero waste houmous!
Big thanks to Charlotte's Cupboard for the above photo and feature on Smorl's!
DISCLAIMER: Smorl's cannot guarantee regular 'sell-by-date' longevity for houmous bought in a re-cycled container. We recommend you return product to a refrigerated environment as quickly as possible and consume within 3-4 days.